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Andruids Expansion Mods


Various modifications expanding Heroes III mechanics and elements. New creatures, skills, spells, objects and mechanics.




Andruids Expansion Mods

Power Bond

Battle Initiative

Plague Tent


Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Plague Tent 0 0 0 0 125 0 2500


Name Description Slot Image
Plague Tent {Plague Tent}

The Plague Tent afflicts your enemies with a disease and has a small chance to poison then.


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Bubonic Even alive, Doctor Bubonic was well aware that the difference between a potent remedy and deadly toxin lied simply in the dose. He crossed this treshold long ago and now, instead of curing people, he spreads his vicious diseases to further experiment on the victims' corpses. male Plague Tent

Minotaur Warlock

Sullivan, the Minotaur Warlock


Name Biography Gender Image Specialty
Sullivan Sullivan was a devoted servant of Lord Alamar in Enroth and as a reward, his master began teaching him magic. Soon, his potential became apparent, and lust for even more power obscured former loyalties and sentiments. Now, Sullivan is a great Warlock and Alamar's fiercest rival. male Powerbond

Damned Utopia


Name Image Level Attack Defense Damage Speed HitPoints Growth AiValue
Dracolich 10 45 45 50 - 80 16 800 1 15750
Blood Dragon 8 25 23 35 - 60 14 400 1 15750